Place born
Organisation / Person
1853-1914, police officer, French

Bertillon, Alphonse

1853 - 1914

active 1853-1921, optical, mathematical, philosophical & electrical inst. maker, London, England

Elliott Brothers

1853 - 1921

1857-1969, optical instrument makers (microscope), London, England

James Swift and Son Limited

1857 - 1969

1853-1863, manufacturer of sewing machines and surgical needles, American

Singer Manufacturing Company

1853 - 1863

1856-1960s?, manufacturer of lifting equipment, pumps and engines, Birmingham, England

Tangyes Limited


1852-1933, folklorist; collector, British

Lovett, Edward

1852 - 1933

1857-about 1948, manufacturer of sewing machines, American

Willcox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Company


active 1857-1948, manufacturer of precision tools, American

Brown and Sharpe Manufacturing Company

1857 - 1948

1853-1923, physician; surgeon; author, English; British

Treves, Sir Frederick

1853 - 1923

1857-?, manufacturer of mauveine dye, Greenford, London, England

Perkin and Sons

1857 - 1874

1850s- 1976, pharmaceutical chemist; optician, Leeds, England

Reynolds and Branson Limited

1852 - 1976

Detroit-based portrait photographer, active late 19th-early 20th century

Arthur, James

1855 - 1912

1857-1933, railway engineer, British

Churchward, George Jackson

1857 - 1933

1857-1950s?, manufacturing chemists, London, England

Alfred Bishop Limited


Friese-Greene, William

1855 - 1921

1854-1915, scientist (hematology, immunology and chemotherapy), German

Ehrlich, Paul

1854 - 1915

1856-, manufacturer of chemicals and chemical products, Griesheim am Main, Germany

Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron

1856 - 1925

1852-1926, amateur photographer, brewer, British

Adams, Edgar Tarry

1852 - 1926

1854-1966, locomotive builders, Manchester, England

Beyer, Peacock and Company Limited

1854 - 1966

1856-1987, manufacturing engineer, Leeds

Greenwood and Batley Limited

1856 - 1987

Science and Art Department

1853 - 1899

1854/5-1922, trapeze artist, aeronaut, acrobat, American

Dare, Leona

1855 - 1922

1898-1915, magazine, English; British

The Girl's Realm

1811 - 1911

1853-1936, collector; pharmacist; benefactor, American; naturalised British

Wellcome, Sir Henry Solomon

1853 - 1936

1854-current (2020), meteorological (weather) forecasting; government department, England, British

Meteorological Office


1852-1936, cutlers and silversmiths, Sheffield

Martin, Hall and Company

1852 - 1936

1855-1944, physicist; inventor, English; British

Boys, Sir Charles Vernon

1855 - 1944

1858-1903, manufacturer of agricultural engines; manufacturer of steam engines, Pershore, England

Edward Humphries and Company Limited

1858 - 1903

Pearson, Weetman Dickinson (first Viscount Cowdray)

1856 - 1927

1854-1976, manufacturer of chemicals, Grimsby, England

Osmond and Sons Limited

1854 - 1976

1855-1921, developer of moving pictures; photographer, British

Friese-Greene, William

1855 - 1921

1854-1918, cinematography pioneer, American

Acres, Birt

1854 - 1918

1852-1916, teacher, physicist; photographer, British

Worthington, Arthur Mason

1852 - 1916

1854-1939, inventor of duplicating machinery and industrialist, Hungarian

Gestetner, David

1854 - 1939

1855-1930, photographer; political activist; patron, British

Davison, George

1855 - 1930

1852-1959, manufacturer of agricultural chemicals (poisons and sheep dip), Berkhamsted, England

Cooper, McDougall and Robertson Limited


1854-1931, engineer; scientist, British; English

Parsons, Sir Charles Algernon

1854 - 1931

1857-1970, manufacturer of dyestuffs, Basle, Switzerland

J R Geigy SA

1857 - 1970

1858-1938, railway company, France

Chemins de Fer de Paris a Lyon et a la Mediterranee

1858 - 1938

1854-1922, railway company, York

North Eastern Railway

1854 - 1922

Norman, Henry (first baronet)

1858 - 1939

1856-1953, railway administrator, British; English

Fay, Sir Samuel

1856 - 1953

1856-current (2021); manufacturer of carbon and ceramic products for industrial use, Windsor, England

Morgan Crucible Company


1852-1933, shipyard; shipbuilder, Jarrow, England

Palmers Shipbuilding and Iron Company Limited

1852 - 1933

1857-1916, anaesthetist; physician, British

Hewitt, Sir Frederic William

1857 - 1916

1853-current (2008), manufacturer of plastic products, Birmingham, England, British

Brookes and Adams Limited


1852-1923, bacteriologist, German

Petri, Julius Richard


Trotter, Alexander Pelham

1857 - 1947

Burrow, John Charles

1852 - 1914


Liddell, Edith

1854 - 1876